HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

January 6, 2010

Faith Like A Child- Particularly This One on the Right

Today I saw the precious Ferguson girls for the first time since I've gone public with the Africa decision. When I walked up to the door, I was met by a screaming Laney, who was jumping up and down with eagerness to show me all her new things- especially her big girl bunk bed. She talked a mile a minute, and I instantly remembered exactly why my heart has been absolutely captured by this little girl.

Then, we walked across the street to pick up Awbrey from school. When Awbrey saw me standing outside of her classroom, she ran over and gave me the most genuine hug I have ever received. With arms wrapped around my neck, she quietly asked, "So, you're leaving?" I thought I might lose it...

We walked home, hand in hand, and I told the girls about children in Africa who don't have a mommy or daddy. They seemed to understand, and Awbrey asked lots of very good questions (where do they sleep? are they hungry? etc). When we got back home, I asked Awbrey how it made her feel to know that I would be leaving soon. Her response reminds me what Jesus meant when he told us to have faith like a child...

"Well, it makes me sad. But happy too."

"Why does it make you happy, Awbrey?"

"Because you're going to take care of the kids. Maybe you could even draw a picture of Jesus and show it to them so they can see who He is."

Awbrey proceeded to spend the afternoon drawing pictures and collecting small toys for me to take to the kids in Africa. I pray for more responses like these, and that faith like this child's would arise in the hearts of many.

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