HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

December 27, 2009

"Until I Fly Away to the Land of the Children"

Ugh. I don't know if I am gonna be able to keep writing all about myself until March- it's tiring, and probably pretty boring to read.

Surely when March finally/suddenly arrives, and I actually am in "the land of the children" (title quote taken from my dear friend Big Staaacey), I will have plenty to write that is not totally centered on me. Then, I will write about the children and how beautiful they are, and I will post pictures to prove it, and everyone will want to read this blog. Then, I will begin to receive packages from fans with hot sauce, and will set up a pay-pal account so people can help fund my adventures (oh wait, I sorta already did that... http://specialhopenetwork.com/join/giving). Then, my blog will become famous and I will write a book and it will be adapted into a film, in which I will be played by some cute actress...

Oh wait, that's someone else's life. And even though I would love to be compared to Julie and/or Julia in the kitchen, my life will probably not turn out like either of theirs. (If you are not following this pop-culture reference, please comment below. I will not only respond with an explanation, but you will also be my first commentor!)

Sigh. I guess until March I will just have to find more interesting things about which to write. Oh believe me, I will still use and abuse this blog for my own personal processing needs, but I promise "I will behave much better in the future." (If anyone can name the movie from which that line is taken, you will be given the My Best Friend Award.)

For now, will you bear with me?


  1. just so you know... I tried to cheat and look up the movie quote and when I typed in "movie quote 'I will behave much better in the future'" into google, the only result it came up with was a link to your blog.
    Why this is significant: 1) this may the be first time google has failed me, 2) your blog is legit and shows up in google searches!! (look out... it's only a matter of time before the randos out there start reading your blog unbeknownst to you. *cough* new orlean's girl's blog *cough*)

    done and done-- official first commentor!! loooove you!

  2. Stace- you would be the first to comment. That is why you get quoted in the title.

    However, since you were not able to ID the movie, Best Friend Award is still up for grabs.

  3. Bridget Jones, thank you very much. Woohoo best friends for LIFE!!:)

  4. Until the very end, my dearest Madeline.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
