HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

January 28, 2011

Whoa Whoa Whoa

I know, change is not easy for everyone (cough...Kate), but it was time. I am having a hard enough time figuring out what to write on this thing, and not liking the look of it wasn't helping. So, welcome to the new So That He Might Increase, I hope you like it.

A quick note to you, dear readers- part of why I am having a hard time writing here is because I don't quite understand blogs, this one especially. Never knowing your audience, not being sure how your words will come across, wanting to dialogue with people instead of just word-vomit all over them: all reasons I don't necessary like this form of technology. And yet, I still want to write. I need to write- it helps me to process what I'm thinking.

So, an FYI for you all, the new blog is now complete with tabs (look up, please) for you to peruse according to your liking. If you don't want to read my latest thoughts on theology- don't click it. If you only want updates on life here in Southern Africa- make sure your mouse heads straight for that tab. Hopefully this will give both of us some freedom in how we use this blog...

May God be glorified on these electronic pages, and may you be blessed as you read.


  1. I love it!! Beautiful picture :)

  2. yo, girlll. I love the new look. Fab!

    may god be glorified. yes! yes!

  3. change is hard, but that picture is beyond adorable.. i'll deal :)
