HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

January 1, 2011

Another Year to Study

I promise to fill you in on the past weeks, but for now I want to share with you one of the things I am enjoying most about this time of year. Last year, I was recommended a Bible reading plan that turned out to be an incredible encouragement to me. I had tried a few other "read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year" kind of things, and did not do very well keeping up with them. But this one turned what was a daunting task into a very manageable, and really helpful tool for me in my study of God's Word. M'Cheyne (old pastor man from the Church of Scotland) has laid it all out so that by reading about 4 chapters a day, from 4 different books of the Bible, you actually read through the entire Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in one year.

I love that yesterday, I finished the schedule, and today am beginning fresh again. There's something really cool about ending the year by reading Revelation 22 and beginning with Genesis 1.

Here is a link I found to a nice printable version (thanks Mount Calvary Church, wherever you are), one you can stick as a bookmark in your Bible. I hope you enjoy, and Happy New Year!


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