HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

June 28, 2010

Becoming a P

I wrote to my supporters this past week about how aspects of my personality don't seem to function well here in Zambia. According to the famous personality test, the Myers-Briggs, I fit into the 'ENFJ' description, and tested quite high in the 'J' category. This means that I love organization and structure- two things that don't seem to be high on the list of Zambian values. In fact, I'm not even sure they made the list at all. Actually, I'm not sure a list even exists. If it does, its whereabout were lost track-of long ago.

It seems that most Zambians are actually on the opposite end of the personality spectrum, and function much more like P's (hence the non-list-making). Laid back attitudes, go-with-the-flow mentalities, rolling with the punches- all phrases that make my skin start to crawl, and ones that perfectly describe almost all of the Zambians I have met thus far. Stacey, Joel, Justin, and all you other P's out there- you would love this place. I, on the other hand, am quite out of my comfort zone.

And since the likelihood of an entire nation changing its ways seems to be on the lower end of the possibility scale, I guess I will need to be the one doing the changing. Does anyone know the stats on how many people actually change personality types during the course of their lives? I'm sure it's not as impossible as I am imagining- but right now, it really does not feel like an option to my stubborn, not-wanting-to-change self.

Thing is, I am here to serve Zambians. If I am going to do that well, I need to surrender my idea of how things should work unto the way things actually work in their culture and tradition. I am not here to be some big-bad-American with all sorts of grand ideas to solve Africa's problems. I am here to join with the people of Zambia to endure the suffering, and be a part of the work against it.

I know I will never actually be a Zambian. I know I probably will never be a P either. But, according to the grace and humility I pray God gives me, I will get over myself and my ways- slowly and stubbornly, I'm sure. I simply must if I am ever going to be useful for the Kingdom here in Zambia as it is in heaven.

So, if anyone has any helpful hints on becoming a P- please, please pass them my way.

1 comment:

  1. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P

    so glad that your experience of being outnumbered by Ps on our team was a little taste of zambia. clearly, the infinite moments of frustration for "not accomplishing" things were simply moments of preparation for this life you've been called to. so honored that God is able to use our lack of organization, laid backness, etc (remember placement two years ago.... yowza) for his glory.

    oh, and this is nice...
