HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

June 1, 2010

Delighting in the Despised

Until we get our work visas approved (right now we are in Zambia on temporary permits, awaiting the final approval of our permanent status), there are lots of things we cannot do. We can't meet with the officials we need to see. We can't go to the Ministry of Education or Health to brainstorm with them. We can't even network with similar NGO's- not until we have papers legitimizing our being here and demonstrating our commitment to remaining so.

So until then- it seems I have been purposed by the Lord for a specific task; one that must always be primary in the work I do with these children. As we meet children with intellectual disabilities, the main thing I must do and accomplish is quite simple- delight in them.

I don't yet have a good grasp on a lot of the skills (therapeutic, educational, etc) needed to care for these particular children- though I hope and pray it will come from the training I am now receiving from Holly and Eric. What I do have, however, is a heart that absolutely and completely adores them.

For most parents, it seems, that is actually the most valuable thing I have to offer them. Sure, therapy is certainly needed, as are individualized education plans and much more. But what most of these parents really need is for someone to look at their child, the one who is despised by most of the world, and love them. They need someone to look upon their child and smile, praising them for whatever abilities they do have, and not scowl because of the ones they lack. They need to know that they are not the only ones who think their child is wonderfully made, even he or she might be crafted somewhat differently.

For whatever reason, God has chosen to give me a glimpse of His heart and His purpose for these kids, and I feel a more and more privileged recipient with every child I get to meet. This morning, Sam reminded me of a particular verse that says it well-
"For he has not despised or abhorred
the affliction of the afflicted,
and he has not hidden his face from him,
but has heard, when he cried to him. "

Psalm 22:24
Unlike most people, God does not look upon the weak and needy ones of the world with disdain. He does not reject them. He is not irritated by them. He does not ignore them. Instead, God actually seems to prefer them. When it comes to children with disabilities, it seems most people don't think this way. Seems strange, especially when you meet little girls like this one...

I mean seriously, have you ever seen such cuteness in the face of a girl? I'm not sure how someone could actually look into that face and claim her to be some sort of "mistake" or glitch in the system- she is not something to be despised or abhorred, but is a little girl who was the absolute delight of my day.

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