For example- lately Mags has begun saying a particular phrase. At first, she only said it when a good song would come on the iPod. But then, she began inserting it into random times of the day as well. I have asked her several times to explain its meaning, and have even interrogated Sam to see if he knew anything about its derivative or connotation. Maggie's reply consisted of a wide-eyed stare and two kisses. Sam responded by explaining that it just means "Tucka Luv." Very helpful, I know.
Figuring out the complex meaning and emotion behind this phrase is only one of the many facets of figuring out, knowing, and loving Maggie. The reality is- I will never figure her out, or ever get it right. Most likely, I will not ever get to know what's behind the phrase, at least not on this side of eternity. Maybe there will be a day when I get to ask her to explain it all, and when she will be able to describe every detail- just maybe there will be a day when we are able to communicate with each other in a way that we both understand.
But for now, I will delight in the glimpses of understanding the Lord has given me. For those of you who know her know that it is an absolute privilege to be let into the world of Mags- even if your time there only lasts a few minutes. For now, I will take those minutes whenever she chooses to give them to me, and pray that the Lord would continue to give me insight into speaking her language so that she might know how much I really love her. As she might say (but then again, I may be using the phrase out of context), so that she might know how much a tucka luv her.
Her hair has gotten so long and fabulous! Oh Maggie! "Tucka Luv" :)