HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

April 2, 2010

That Wondrous Cross

I didn't actually plan for Easter weekend to be my last in Charlottesville- it just worked out that way. Now that it is here, however, I'm realizing that the Lord seems actually to have significant plans in the overlap.

This last weekend, I feel I could easily be consumed by my own grief, and just as easily tempted to boast in the grand sacrifice I make. I know I am prone to these types of self-centered notions, and so I am thankful that God has allowed this last weekend to be overshadowed by that which we celebrate at Easter- for it all pales in comparison to the Cross. The grief I am now experiencing will never compare to the grief of the Father as He watched His Son crucified. The sacrifice I now make will never compare to the sacrifice Jesus made on that wondrous Cross.

Nothing will ever compare, but it is that Cross that compels my every decision, especially this one to go. That wondrous Cross is why I must leave everything behind- simply because He did first. He left His glorious throne that He might die for the sake of those whom He loved. He gave it all in order that we might know that love, and that the Father would be glorified in that love.

As this weekend draws to a close, and as this particular season comes to an end, I pray that He once again receives all the fame, honor, and glory. In the days ahead, I pray He gives me grace to join Him more fully in His grief and His sacrifice, that I may also join Him in His glorious eternity. I pray to cling to the Cross all of my days- may it be my most frequented refuge and my most cherished thought. And the One who hangs there tonight, may He be my Prince of Glory forevermore, the One unto whom I owe my life, my soul, my all.

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