HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

July 27, 2010


Tomorrow, my sister arrives for a two-week visit...WOOOHOOO! There is no one in the world quite like my Sapi (the nickname we gave each other- well, the one my mom gave us a long time ago, I brought back, then Emily stole, then Sam modified with the Doo-Hondra at the end), and I am so excited to share with her this crazy life I currently live. Pray for our time together, would you? Pictures to come, I'm sure, but for now, here are some random ones of us from days past...

Sapis at the C-Ville City Market (oh how I miss you)

Sapis at Graduation

Sapis in Charleston

Sapis take an intense walk down Avon St (thanks to Dad-O for all the hair).

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA, great last picture.... I think we all enjoy that more than we want to admit
