HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

May 22, 2011


Officially, my role in Special Hope Network is to serve as Director of Operations Africa. Now I have to admit, I think that sounds pretty legit. I am then reminded, however, that we are not the major international NGO we hope one day to be, and that really we are just four adults + four kids on the ground here in Zambia doing what we can to affect change for people who have disabilities. In reality, right now that title doesn't mean a whole lot.

The title I prefer is the one that carries much more significance; the one I received on the night of our commissioning as missionaries back in early 2010- "Defender of the Rights of the Afflicted and the Needy." It comes straight from our verse, Proverbs 31:8-9, and to me, carries an incredible amount of weight. So much more than some fancy director of an organization, this is who I want to be. This is what I want to define my life. I want this to be what people say about me.

And so, to the best of my ability and according to the grace and power given me by God- this is what I will strive to be and do. Specifically, right now, I will work to see that Special Hope reaches kids earlier. With the deaths of Francis and Gabriel (another of our kids died while I was away), we have realized that we need to be there sooner. Before the malnutrition and/or disease warps their bodies beyond repair, we need to be able to step in.

With this in mind, Special Hope is now working to create Care Centers in each compound of Lusaka, and eventually in the rural areas outside Lusaka. Our goal will be different according to the specific needs of each community, but our hope is that we establish a presence in each area of the city so that we may be accessible to those who need us. We want to be there when a mom realizes her child is developing differently; or when a parent dies and a child has nowhere to go; or when a dad finds out his child, despite what everyone has always told him, can actually learn and grow- we want to be there.

So, that is what I will be doing for a while- finding places, talking with parents, assessing kids. All of which I hope will live up to my name...pray with me, will you?

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