HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

November 2, 2010

Believing His Promise, Standing in the River

"I think that in guidance God deals with us as He dealt with the Israelites. The first crossing of the sea was made very easy, the guidance could not have been simpler. The strong east wind blew and divided the sea before the people had to cross; not a foot was wet, except perhaps by the driving spray.

But how different it was on the second occasion, when God taught them to obey without, as it were, making it first of all impossible to disobey. The priests has to stand still in the water of the river. What a sight for men to scoff at, that standing still in the water! But it was not till they obeyed- and, without a particle of visible proof that they were doing right, went on to carry the ark right into the river- that the water rolled back before them.

So, it seems to me, we may as we go on with God be called again and again to go right into our rivers, to wet our feet in them. We may be called to do what nobody understands but those to whom the word has come and the promise. But the word must come first and the promise too. We must be sure, with an inward conviction that absolutely nothing can shake."

-Taken from Amy Carmichael's writing compiled in Candles in the Dark.

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