HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

September 10, 2010

Special Hope Elbows

No matter how sick we are, there is one thing that never fails- the Special Hope Elbows. It all started about 3 months ago, on the first day we did work with Zambian children who have disabilities. We had just met with two families, and run much later than expected, so went to a small cafe near our house for a quick dinner before bed. We were super excited about the day we had; that we finally got to do what we had been planning on, working to, and dreaming of doing here in Africa.

So, we felt it necessary to make up a new dance in order to celebrate. And since we were all sitting in our chairs and limited in our mobility, we did what came naturally- shook what we could, which turned out to be our elbows. Here are some basic steps to the official Special Hope celebratory dance:

1. Raise the elbow of your choice into the air, so that it is the highest elevated body part.
2. Shake it about so that you sorta look like a one-winged chicken.

Got it? Good, because we now use it in various situations- most usually to celebrate the playing of a particularly favorite song on the iPod or radio in the car. We have humored numerous people with our 'special' dance moves- particularly the men who sell newspapers and talk-time (pre-paid cell phone minutes) on the street. And since the back windows of our truck are tinted, usually all they can see are the typically-developing adults who are sitting in the front seat. They don't know that we are actually encouraging fun and exercise for the children in back, and so must just think what they usually think- crazy mzungus.

Like I said, no matter the weather, we here at Special Hope are gonna keep flappin our feathers!

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