HE must increase, but i must decrease. john 3:30

September 27, 2010

Pause for a Nyanja Update

Today started my 10-week intensive language class. Everyday, from 9-12. For 10 weeks.

Sounds like a whole-lot-a language class to me...

Even though it feels like a lot of time spent doing 'prep work,' and not 'real work,' I am encouraged and excited about it. Even more so after a visit to an official's office today, where my conversation with the receptionist went something like this...

I walk in...
Me- "Mwacoma bwanji?" How are you?
Her- "Bwino, mwacoma bwanji?" I am fine, how are you?
Me- "Bwino. I am looking..."
Interrupted by...
Her-"No, no, no. You started in Nyanja, you finish in Nyanja."
Dramatic pause for thinking...
Me- "OK, I think I can do this...Ndifuna kuona Bambo Chiti." I want to see Mr. Chiti.
Her- Big smile. "Ah, right this way."
Me- Bigger smile. "Zikomo."

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